Publication Cover
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids
Incorporating Plasma Science and Plasma Technology
Volume 168, 2013 - Issue 11-12
CrossRef citations to date
Original Articles

A new interactive thermoluminescence mixed-order glow curve deconvolution function

Pages 1011-1021 | Received 19 Jan 2013, Accepted 20 May 2013, Published online: 26 Jun 2013


An interactive mixed-order thermoluminescence (TL) glow curve deconvolution function is presented for the first time in which the retrapping of thermally stimulated charge carriers in deep traps during the heating stage is taken into account. Considering this transition in the set of differential equations by describing the TL process and by solving them, an analytical function for TL intensity was obtained. This equation reduces to the known deconvolution function for the mixed-order model in the limiting case of saturation of deep trapping (DT) states. In intermediate cases, where the DT states are partially occupied, the proposed function acts as a real interactive model which allows the thermally stimulated electrons to be retrapped to deep electron traps. Applicability of the proposed model in a real TL system is also presented and discussed.


The research council of the University of Kashan is gratefully acknowledged for its support of this work.

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