Publication Cover
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A
Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering
Volume 47, 2012 - Issue 4
CrossRef citations to date

Temperature and moisture effect on spore emission in the fungal biofiltration of hydrophobic VOCs

, , , &
Pages 605-613 | Received 16 Jun 2011, Published online: 29 Feb 2012


The effect of temperature and moisture on the elimination capacity (EC), CO2 production and spore emission by Fusarium solani was studied in biofilters packed with vermiculite and fed with n- pentane. Three temperatures (15, 25 and 35°C) were tested and the highest average EC (64 g m−3 h−1) and lower emission of spores (2.0 × 103 CFU m−3 air) were obtained at 25°C. The effect of moisture content of the packing material indicates that the highest EC (65 g m−3 h−1) was obtained at 50 % moisture. However, lowest emission (1.3 × 103 CFU m−3 air) was obtained at 80 % moisture. Furthermore, the results show that a slight decrease in spore emission was found with increasing moisture content. In all cases, the depletion of the nitrogen source in the biofilter induced the sporulation, a decay of the EC and increased spore emission.


The present research has been sponsored by the CONICYT-Chile (National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research) (FONDECYT Project Number 11080036).

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