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Research Article

A Novel Depot Preparation of Desferrioxamine-B: Development of Formulation Principles

, , &
Pages 1157-1166 | Published online: 22 Nov 1999


This report describes the feasibility of simple oil-based depot formulations of a novel n-decanesulfonate salt of the iron chelator desferrioxamine-B. After subcutaneous administration in rodents, desferrioxamine-B n-decanesulfonate depot induces both (a) prolonged release of drug and (b) an increase of at least threefold to fourfold in iron excretion efficiency compared with the parent compound Desferal® (desferrioxamine-B mesylate). Optimization experiments probing vehicle composition, surfactant loading, drug loading, and particle size distribution of the depot preparation are described, and the physicochemical stability of an identified pilot formulation is assessed.

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