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Original Articles

Automation of the Photodegradation Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Diethylstilbestrol by Flow Injection

Pages 2231-2242 | Published online: 27 Feb 2008


An spectrophotometric determination of diethylstilbestrol is proposed on the basis of on-line photo-degradation and measurement at 330 nm. The procedure is accomplished by means of flow-injection assembly including a photo-reactor formed by a PTFE 168 cm long coil around a low-pressure mercury lamp 6 w; this photo-reactor was nested between the injection valve and the spectrophotometric flow-cell. The sample solution was injected into a carrier stream of aqueous di-potassium hydrogen ortophosphate flowing at 5.0 ml min−1. Influence of the physic-chemical and hydrodynamic parameters was studied and optimised. The calibration graph was linear up to 65 mg l−1, and the procedure presented a reproducibility (rsd of the calibration slope) 1.4%, and a sample throughput of 52 h−1. The influence of foreign compounds was tested.

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