Publication Cover
Molecular Physics
An International Journal at the Interface Between Chemistry and Physics
Volume 27, 1974 - Issue 3
CrossRef citations to date
Original Articles

Chemically induced electron spin polarization in electron-transfer reactions

, , , &
Pages 769-777 | Received 19 Apr 1973, Published online: 22 Aug 2006


Chemically induced electron polarization (CIDEP) has been observed for the durosemiquinone radical anion generated in the flash photolysis of solutions of duroquinone in the presence of various amines. The initial polarization has been measured directly by using a fast response time-resolved E.S.R. spectrometer. The magnitude of polarization is shown to depend on amine concentration and identity, and the solvent medium. Conventional nanosecond flash photolysis has been used to measure duroquinone triplet lifetimes under various conditions. The results are discussed in terms of the triplet mechanism and the radical pair mechanism.

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