Publication Cover
Spectroscopy Letters
An International Journal for Rapid Communication
Volume 46, 2013 - Issue 2
CrossRef citations to date
Original Articles

Investigation on the Local Structure of Nickel II–Doped Sodium Phosphate Glasses by Their Optical Spectra and Electron Spin Resonance g Factor

Pages 87-90 | Received 07 Feb 2012, Accepted 07 Mar 2012, Published online: 23 Jan 2013


The optical spectra and electron spin resonance (ESR) g factor of Ni2+-doped sodium phosphate glasses are uniformly studied on the basis of both the complete (energy matrix) diagonalization procedure (CDP) and the two spin-orbit coupling parameters model. The bond length of Ni2+-O2− of Ni2+-doped sodium phosphate (Na2O · P2O5) glasses has been determined by fitting their optical spectra and ESR g factor to the experimental values. Theoretical results are in good agreement with experimental data.


Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation Project of CQ (Grant No. CSTC2011jjA50015) and the Innovative Group of Science and Technology of Chongqing and CQUT.


a Γ is the irreducible representation of the Oh group; Γ T is the one considering the two spin-orbit coupling parameters model.

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