Publication Cover
Vehicle System Dynamics
International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility
Volume 47, 2009 - Issue 5
CrossRef citations to date
Original Articles

Experimental analysis of tyre-enveloping characteristics at low speed

, &
Pages 575-587 | Received 14 Dec 2007, Accepted 05 Jun 2008, Published online: 02 Apr 2009


In this study, experiments are conducted to investigate tyre-enveloping characteristics. Four different types of tyres are tested. Parameters such as different tyre inflation pressures, vertical loads and types of obstacles (cleats) are considered. In addition to vertical stiffnesses of all tyres, vertical and horizontal force variations while traversing different obstacles at low speed are studied. The effects of inflation pressure and vertical load on variations of force and moment are investigated. Static test results showed that after a certain vertical displacement, all curves in force–deflection diagrams plotted with and without cleat intersect regardless of cleat and tyre types, depending on the inflation pressure of the tyre, which can be called typical static tyre-enveloping characteristics. Test results at low speed show that there is a considerable influence of the vertical load on vertical and lateral force responses of a tyre.


Veysel Alkan acknowledges the financial support given by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBI˙TAK). The authors are thankful to Professor Tim Gordon and Mr Mike Campbell of the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute for their invaluable contributions.

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