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Original Article

An integrated approach to improving appropriate use of anti-inflammatory medication in the treatment of osteoarthritis in Québec (Canada): the CURATA model

, , , , , , & show all
Pages 463-470 | Published online: 11 Nov 2014


CURATA is a multifaceted continuing medical education (CME) intervention, developed with input from 12 healthcare organizations to address the gap between current and recommended osteoarthritis (OA) treatment of general practitioners in Québec, Canada. Focusing on appropriate prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including cyclooxygenase-2 selective inhibitors (coxibs), the intervention comprised small-group, case-based workshops modelled after the Script Concordance test, and a decision tool reflecting current evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. A self-reported questionnaire measured knowledge of recommended OA treatment on an eight-point scale. Participants (n = 381) showed a mean 10.1% improvement in questionnaire score immediately following the workshop (15.2% improvement relative to mean pre-workshop score). Knowledge was maintained for three months post-workshop.

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