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Biochemical and molecular determinance of resistance and susceptibility in Solanum tuberosum (potato) plants challenged with Phytopthora infestans

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Pages 1429-1438 | Received 15 Jan 2012, Accepted 16 Feb 2012, Published online: 10 Apr 2012


Determinance of resistance was studied in four different varieties of Solanum tuberosum using biochemical and molecular parameters. It was clearly evident that due to infection of P. infestans, the total protein, total phenol and lignin were induced in all four verities; however, the induction was found more in resistant varieties compared to susceptible varieties. Induction of proteins was also determined by SDS-PAGE analysis. Deposition of lignin was showed by histological comparison using Phloroglucinol HCl staining. Higher deposition of lignin in resistant varieties could be considered as reliable characters related to disease resistance and could be used as biochemical markers for late blight resistance. The RAPD profile generated using eight different decameric primers showed both, polymorphic as well as monomorphic bands. There were many unique bands found only in resistant varieties. These polymorphic bands could also be served as molecular markers for screening of LB resistance potato varieties.

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