Publication Cover
Computers in the Schools
Interdisciplinary Journal of Practice, Theory, and Applied Research
Volume 30, 2013 - Issue 3
CrossRef citations to date

Using a Facebook Group As an Educational Tool: Effects on Student Achievement

, &
Pages 229-247 | Published online: 05 Sep 2013


This study examined the effectiveness of using a Facebook group to increase pre-service teachers’ knowledge of core technology topics. Further, it examined their use of Facebook, their use of a course-related Facebook group, their participation habits in the group, and their perceptions of using Facebook for educational purposes. Results revealed a significant gain in achievement as measured by scores on pre- and posttests. Additionally, Facebook was most frequently used to maintain existing relationships, to share photographs, and to communicate. The Facebook group was used to lurk/read, post comments, “like” comments, and post additional information. The pre-service teachers indicated that the Facebook group was beneficial in improving readiness for course assessments, was convenient, provided a good means of communication, and enhanced learning.

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