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Original Articles

Film Thickness of Mechanically Worked Lubricating Grease at Very Low Speeds

, &
Pages 1066-1071 | Received 17 Nov 2013, Accepted 08 Jun 2014, Published online: 02 Oct 2014


Several different types of commercially available greases, aged in a roll stability tester, have been tested in a ball-on-disc machine where the film thickness was measured using the interferometry method. The grease film thickness at very low speed is thicker than the base oil film thickness due to the contribution of the thickener in this regime, which practically vanishes at higher speeds. The (mechanical) aging process reduces the thickener material, decreasing the grease film thickness at very low speeds (entrainment speed less than 0.01 m/s) with aging time, whereas no significant difference was found at higher speeds where the grease film thickness still approached the calculated base oil film thickness.

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