Publication Cover
Transactions of the IMF
The International Journal of Surface Engineering and Coatings
Volume 85, 2007 - Issue 1
CrossRef citations to date

High conductivity silver nanocoatings on aluminium obtained from pulse plating techniques

Pages 46-50 | Published online: 18 Jul 2013


The present work is part of an industrial project involving the electrodeposition of conductive silver coatings with the help of pulse plating techniques. Silver shows an excellent reflectivity for electromagnetic waves and is commonly used as a coating in parts for the telecommunication and aerospace sectors. Nanocrystalline silver layers were deposited on pretreated aluminium samples from a standard cyanide plating bath using reverse pulse plating. A qualitative overview is given as to how the pulse parameters affect the throwing power of the process and smoothness of the layers. Special attention was paid to compactness and low porosity in order to improve the corrosion resistance and good adherence to the substrate.

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