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Does Urban form Affect Motorcycle Use? Evidence from Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Pages 203-232 | Published online: 17 Aug 2021


Motorcycles dominate urban road traffic across Asia. We analyse how urban form influences preferences for motorcycle use, using a multinomial logistic regression model and data from a recent field study in the metropolitan area of Yogyakarta. We find that urban form explains about 20% of the observed variance in transport mode choice and that population density has a statistically significant positive effect on the likelihood of using a motorcycle for commuting. In addition, we find that the likelihood of choosing a motorcycle over other transport modes is highest for individuals living at intermediate distances from the city centre and that, in comparison with other transport modes, motorcycle use is most sensitive to travel distance. Our results suggest that a compact urban form, including a high population density and short commuting distances, may help in reducing the growth of motorcycle use in urban areas.

Kendaraan bermotor roda dua mendominasi jalan-jalan kota di Asia. Kami mempelajari bagaimana model urban mempengaruhi preferensi penggunanan sepeda motor, dengan model regresi logistik multinomial dan data dari sebuah studi lapangan di wilayah metropolitan Yogyakarta. Kami menemukan bahwa model urban dapat menjelaskan sekitar 20% varians yang nampak dalam pilihan moda transportasi dan bahwa kepadatan populasi berdampak positif pada kecenderungan menggunakan sepeda motor untuk transportasi. Kami juga menemukan bahwa kecenderungan memilih sepeda motor ketimbang moda transportasi lainnya paling tinggi ditunjukkan oleh mereka yang tinggal di area yang berjarak sedang dari pusat kota, dan bahwa penggunaan sepeda motor paling sensitif terhadap jarak tempuh, jika dibanding dengan moda transportasi lainnya. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa model urban yang padat, termasuk densitas populasi yang tinggi dan jarak pulang-pergi yang pendek bisa membantu mengurangi jumlah sepeda motor di wilayah-wilayah perkotaan.

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We thank Satya Wacana Christian University in Salatiga, Indonesia, and the Department of Spatial Economics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands, for funding the survey that led to the research we report here. We thank the editors and anonymous referees of this journal for support and constructive comments. Sotya Fevriera is grateful to the Directorate General of Higher Education at the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia for granting a scholarship to pursue a doctoral program at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, of which this article is one of the outcomes. This article was written while Peter Mulder worked at the Department of Spatial Economics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.


1 A city or regency consists of administrative areas called districts.

2 DI Yogyakarta consists of Yogyakarta city, Sleman regency, Bantul regency, Kulon Progo regency and Gunung Kidul regency. The research was conducted in Yogyakarta city and two regencies that surround Yogyakarta city: Sleman and Bantul. The total population and population density were calculated for the research area. Yogyakarta city and some districts in Sleman and Bantul are also known as the Yogyakarta Urban Agglomeration ().

3 Some respondents buy fuel from a station on the way to their destination, which is not necessarily the nearest station to their home.

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