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Corporate venture capital: technological innovation or value creation? A comparative study of CVC- and IVC-invested Chinese listed companies

, , & ORCID Icon
Pages 257-279 | Published online: 19 Sep 2019


This paper analyzes the effects of corporate venture capital (CVC) and independent venture capital (IVC) backing on technological innovation and value creation in invested companies. Using data on Chinese listed companies, we show that CVC investment can induce higher firm value than can IVC investment. By considering different dimensions of complementary assets, technological fit, geographical proximity, and product market relations, we explore the mechanism through which CVC contributes to innovation and value creation in invested companies in China.


Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


1 Due to the modest sample size, we employ one-to-one matching with replacement, and ties are allowed. As a robustness check, we also conduct one-to-four nearest neighbour matching, and find that the results do not change significantly.

Additional information


This study was partially supported by the grants from the Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation of Ministry of Education of China [grant number 17YJAZH080] and the Jiangsu Qing Lan Project and Six Talent Peaks Project (JY-049).

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