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Original Articles

Peroxidase‐Catalyzed Polymerization of 1‐Hydroxypyrene

, , , &
Pages 1407-1414 | Published online: 16 Aug 2006


Peroxidase‐catalyzed polymerization of a hydroxy substituted polynuclear aromatic compound, 1‐hydroxypyrene, is reported. The fluorescence spectrum of the synthesized polymer shows a dramatic red shift compared to that of the monomer. The enzymatic polymerization of 1‐hydroxypyrene demonstrates the capability of peroxidase in catalyzing the oxidation of polynuclear aromatic molecules, and offers new possibilities for the design and synthesis of polymers with interesting electrical and optical properties in an environmentally friendly way.


Funding from the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Center, SBCCOM and ONR is acknowledged. This paper is dedicated to the memory of Professor Sukant Tripathy.


aThe reasons for the fluorescence quenching of the synthesized products due to the presence of water are still under investigation.

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