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Gene Expression

Regulation of the Amino-Terminal Transcription Activation Domain of Progesterone Receptor by a Cofactor-Induced Protein Folding Mechanism

, , , &
Pages 8792-8808 | Received 29 Nov 2004, Accepted 14 Jul 2005, Published online: 27 Mar 2023


We previously identified a small basic leucine zipper (bZIP) protein, Jun dimerization protein 2 (JDP-2), that acts as a coregulator of the N-terminal transcriptional activation domain of progesterone receptor (PR). We show here that JDP-2, through interaction with the DNA binding domain (DBD), induces or stabilizes structure in the N-terminal domain in a manner that correlates with JDP-2 stimulation of transcriptional activity. Circular dichroism spectroscopy experiments showed that JDP-2 interaction caused a significant increase in overall helical content of a two-domain PR polypeptide containing the N-terminal domain and DBD and that the change in structure resides primarily in the N-terminal domain. Thermal melt curves showed that the JDP-2/PR complex is significantly more stable than either protein alone, and partial proteolysis confirmed that JDP-2 interaction alters conformation of the N-terminal domain of PR. Functional analysis of N-terminal domain mutants and receptor chimeras provides evidence that the stimulatory effect of JDP-2 on transcriptional activity of PR is mediated through an interdomain communication between the DBD and the N-terminal domain and that transcriptional activity and functional response to JDP-2 are mediated by multiple elements of the N-terminal domain as opposed to a discrete region.


We acknowledge the UC Cancer Center Tissue Culture Core Laboratory and Kurt Christensen for technical support with expression of recombinant baculovirus proteins in insect cells and Mair Churchill, Sarah Roemer, and Purnima Mungalachetty for providing purified HMGB-1 protein.

This work was supported by NIH Public Health Service grants CA46938 and DK49030 (D.P.E.) and NIH grant RO1 GM061855 (R.S.H.).

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