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Research Article

Large deviations, asymptotic equipartition property for super-critical SINR random networks

, , &
Pages 1665-1683 | Received 01 Dec 2020, Published online: 01 Dec 2021


In this article, we obtain large deviation asymptotic for supercritical social or communication networks modelled as signal-interference-noise ratio (SINR) graphs. To do this, we define the empirical power measure and the empirical connectivity measure, and prove joint large deviation principles (LDPs) for the two empirical measures on two different scales, i.e. λ and λ2aλ, where λ is the intensity measure of the Poisson point process (PPP) which defines the SINR random network and aλ real-valued sequence such that λ2aλ → ∞ as λ → ∞Using these joint LDPs we prove an asymptotic equipartition property for the super-critical networks modelled as the SINR random networks. Furthermore, we prove a local large deviation principle (LLDP) for the SINR random network. From the LLDP we prove a large deviation principle, and a classical McMillian theorem for the SINR random network processes. Note that, for a given empirical power measure and typical empirical connectivity measure, π, we can deduce from the LLDP a bound on the cardinality of the space of SINR networks to be approximately equal to , where the connectivity probability of the network, , satisfies and π is the typical behavior of the empirical connectivity measure. Observe, the LDPs for the empirical measures of SINR random networks were obtained on spaces of measures equipped with the τ-topology, and the LLDPs were obtained in the space of SINR network process without any topological restrictions.

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