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Indonesia’s G20 presidency: neoliberal policy and authoritarian tendencies

Pages 617-623 | Published online: 29 Apr 2022


Multilateralism at the regional and global stage is essential for Indonesia’s foreign policy. Apart from ASEAN, which has long been a pivotal array for Indonesia’s regional economic interdependence and political stability, the G20 is recently added to the country’s interest. It serves Indonesia’s desire for global leadership and middle-power status. As Indonesia began its year-long presidency of the G20 in 2022, the government is confident that hosting numerous meetings and the Group’s summit at the end of 2022 is a notable milestone for its international leadership exposure. This time, Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo emphasises priority agendas: strengthening global health architecture, transitioning to green and renewable energy, and promoting the digital economy. This commentary evaluates and projects Indonesia’s G20 presidency amidst the country’s democratic decline in recent years. It argues that Indonesia’s proposed agendas are more ambitious goals than strategic. Instead, the country’s priority will be marked by a solid neoliberal economic policy and stability, which is likely to cause even more democratic setbacks at home.

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Notes on contributors

Faris Al-Fadhat

Faris Al-Fadhat is Vice-Rector (Student, Alumni, and AIK affairs) and Senior Lecturer of International Political Economy in the Department of International Relations at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He holds Ph.D. in politics and international studies from Murdoch University, Australia. He is currently Visiting Research Fellow at the Department of Public Administration, Korea University, funded by the International Scholar Exchange Fellowship (ISEF) program, Chey Institute for Advanced Studies. He has been a Visiting Scholar in the Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, The Japan Foundation, and the Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University

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