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Transfer-Free Graphene Growth on Dielectric Substrates: A Review of the Growth Mechanism

, &
Pages 157-209 | Published online: 19 Jun 2018


Ever since the more-than-decade-old discovery of application of mechanical exfoliation to obtain graphene, this 2-dimensional material was known for its soaring promise in various applications, owing to its excellent properties. Graphene, most popularly grown on metallic substrates by chemical vapour deposition, needs to be transferred onto dielectric substrates for multiple optical and electronic applications. During such complex and expensive transfer steps, defects are introduced into graphene, which deteriorates the quality and thus, properties of graphene. An alternative approach to surmount these problems is the elimination of the transfer process and to directly grow graphene on dielectric substrates, for future electronic and optical applications. This review presents a comprehensive and an up-to-date account of the development of synthesis methods, challenges and future directions for transfer-free graphene growth on dielectric substrates. Special emphasis is given on the fundamentals of growth mechanisms of various transfer-free graphene synthesis processes on dielectric materials.

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