Publication Cover
Integrated Ferroelectrics
An International Journal
Volume 17, 1997 - Issue 1-4
CrossRef citations to date
Pyroelectric and optical applications

A 11×6 element pyroelectric detector array utilizing self-polarized pzt thin films grown by sputtering

, , , , , , , , & show all
Pages 369-376 | Published online: 19 Aug 2006


A planar multi target sputtering approach was used to deposit PbTiO3 (PT) and Pb(Zr, Ti)O3 (PZT) films on TiO2/Pt bottom electrodes for the use in thin film pyroelectric IR detector arrays. PZT films with a Zr content of 28 at% (PZ28T) exhibited the best pyroelectric coefficient of typically 2×10−4 Cm−2K−1. The PZ28T films have been used for fabricating a two dimensional 11×6 pixel pyroelectric detector array on Si wafers. The array pixels with a sensitive area of 280 ×280 μm2 have a noise lequivalent power NEP of less than 0.7 nW at 1 Hz. It is planned to use the detector array in systems for motion detection.

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