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Original Articles

Molecular Recognition Properties and Adsorption Isotherms of Diniconazole‐Imprinted Polymers

, , , &
Pages 2315-2323 | Received 22 Aug 2004, Accepted 11 Apr 2005, Published online: 06 Feb 2007


Diniconazole, a triazole‐type fungicide with a broad antifungal spectrum, shows excellent efficacy against various diseases. Molecular imprinted polymers of the compound were prepared by the technique of non‐covalent molecular imprinting polymerization. The functional monomers used include methacrylic acid, acrylamide, or a combination of methacrylic acid and acrylamide. HPLC was used to study the molecular recognition mechanism regulating the binding behavior and evaluate the binding performance of MIPs for template and for paclobutrazol. The result showed that the MIPs (P1‐3) had significant molecular imprinting effect, but P3 is better for the separation of diniconazole and paclobutrazol. The adsorption isotherms of diniconazole on the imprinting stationary phase were determined using rectangular pulse frontal analysis. Three different ratios of methanol‐water (50∶50, 55∶45, 60∶40, v/v) were used as the mobile phases in frontal analysis. It was found that the bigger the ratio of methanol is, the better adsorption lines are fitted to both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 20375010), the funds from Ministry of Science and Technology (2002CCA3100 and KJCX2‐H4), and the Natural Science Foundation, Hebei Province (Grant No. 202096) and “Bai Ren Project” of Chinese Academy of Science.

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