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FUTURE VOICES IN PUBLIC SERVICES: Miriam L. Matteson, Column Editor

Confronting library anxiety

Pages 224-231 | Published online: 22 Sep 2022


Library anxiety is a persistent problem in all kinds of libraries. Making patrons feel comfortable requires an approach that prioritizes empathy and honesty. This essay explores many promising advances in the fight against library anxiety, including prioritizing librarian contact, reevaluating library spaces, emphasizing digital services, enlisting student workers as partners, and examining fees and fines. The essay concludes with a list of recommendations for making the library and librarians feel more welcoming.

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Jacob Lackner

Jacob Lackner is a recent graduate of the Master of Library and Information Science program at the University of Washington’s Information School. During his time in the program, he worked as a student assistant at the University of Washington Libraries. Before graduate school, he worked as a clerk at the Los Angeles Public Library system.

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