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Dependency of hydrogel membrane pores on membrane pressure and concentration: Numerical and experimental investigations

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Pages 967-981 | Received 28 Jul 2022, Accepted 06 Nov 2022, Published online: 01 Dec 2022


Control of pore opening is a valuable contribution to ensure filtration and separation of particles and cells of different sizes. These can be, e.g. blood cells with their cell distribution width, which is typically measured in the Complete Blood Count. In the current work, we investigate hydrogel pores made of pNIPAAm with swelling and de-swelling capabilities. They react to variations in ethanol concentration. Additionally, we analyze the effect of microfluidic pressure on membrane pores. Furthermore, the influence of the gel volume for cross-shaped pores is shown. For this purpose, experimental and numerical investigations are performed. An analogy model for the swelling behavior based on the Temperature-Expansion-Model from our previous work and a neo-Hookean material description is applied to describe swelling and mechanical deformation of the pores. Simulation results show a negligible influence to the pore bending in the specified pressure range. In the experiments, only a slight change in the pore area is observed under pressure variation. Nonetheless, there is a very good agreement between numerical and experimental results. The current investigations show the potential for the mechanical description of hydrogel pores for their further geometric optimization.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

EL: Conceptualization, Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing - Original Draft, Visualization DG: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Investigation, Writing - Original Draft, Visualization RM: Conceptualization, Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing - Original Draft FO: Writing - Review AE: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Writing - Review & Editing SG: Investigation/Experiments GKA: Designing, performing and interpreting rheological experiments SM: Methodology, Designing, performing and interpreting rheological experiments AR: Writing - Review, Supervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition TW: Writing - Review & Editing, Supervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition

Figure A1. Illustration of a clamped circular plate under constant pressure. The outer circular plate consists of PET and the inner circular plate is made of hydrogel. The dimensions are: a = 600 µm, b = 2000 µm. The load is p0=4·106MPa.

Figure A1. Illustration of a clamped circular plate under constant pressure. The outer circular plate consists of PET and the inner circular plate is made of hydrogel. The dimensions are: a = 600 µm, b = 2000 µm. The load is p0=4·10−6 MPa.

Figure A2. Comparison of the bending and the torsion of the circular plate with and without the outer ring plate of PET.

(a) Bending line of the circular plate with the outer ring plate made of PET and the inner circular plate made of hydrogel. Due to the low bending in the PET region, the deformation in the hydrogel region is close to the deformation of the hydrogel plate when clamped at r = a.

(b) The torsion of the circular plate with the outer ring plate made of PET and the inner circular plate made of hydrogel corresponds in good approximation with the torsion of the hydrogel plate when clamped at r = a.

Figure A2. Comparison of the bending and the torsion of the circular plate with and without the outer ring plate of PET.(a) Bending line of the circular plate with the outer ring plate made of PET and the inner circular plate made of hydrogel. Due to the low bending in the PET region, the deformation in the hydrogel region is close to the deformation of the hydrogel plate when clamped at r = a.(b) The torsion of the circular plate with the outer ring plate made of PET and the inner circular plate made of hydrogel corresponds in good approximation with the torsion of the hydrogel plate when clamped at r = a.

Additional information


The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: We gratefully acknowledge the financial support by the German Research Foundation (DFG) through the project grants WA 2323/15-1 and RI 1294/14-1, the Research Grant for a Controllable membrane system for the separation of soft particles (No. 382900294) and the laser ablation system funded through the DFG’s large-scale research equipment program (No. 388062203). In addition, we thank for the financial funding of the Dresden Center for Intelligent Materials (DCIM) by the Free State of Saxony and TU Dresden as well as the German Research Foundation for funding the Research Training Group 1865 “Hydrogel-based Microsystems” (No. 211944370). Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; Freistaat Sachsen.

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