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Heat coefficients for magnetic Laplacians on the complex projective space Pn(ℂ)

, &
Pages 993-1020 | Received 10 Feb 2022, Accepted 01 Feb 2023, Published online: 03 Mar 2023


We denote by Δν the Fubini-Study Laplacian perturbed by a uniform magnetic field whose strength is proportional to ν. When acting on bounded functions on the complex projective n-space, this operator has a discrete spectrum consisting on eigenvalues βm, mZ+. For the corresponding eigenspaces, we give a new proof for their reproducing kernels by using Zaremba's expansion directly. These kernels are then used to obtain an integral representation for the heat kernel of Δν. Using a suitable polynomial decomposition of the multiplicity of each βm, we write down a trace formula for the heat operator associated with Δν in terms of Jacobi's theta functions and their higher order derivatives. Doing so enables us to establish the asymptotics of this trace as t0+ by giving the corresponding heat coefficients in terms of Bernoulli numbers and polynomials. The obtained results can be exploited in the analysis of the spectral zeta function associated with Δν.

AMS Subject Classifications:


The authors would like to thank the Moroccan Association of Harmonic Analysis and Spectral Geometry.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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