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Original Article

Report on a conference on developments in the treatment of benign gynecological disorders

Pages 301-309 | Published online: 07 Jul 2009


The group of diseases, recently named ‘benign proliferative disorders of the female tract1’, has remained neglected for many years. The diseases include the well-known ovarian cysts, uterine leiomyomas and endometriosis, as well as their sequelae (such as menstrual disorders, adhesions, pelvic pains). Such nosographical disorders are very common; in fact they are believed to affect, although not in a serious way, up to 50% of women, particularly those in their fifties2. The main reason for the paucity of interest on the part of physicians and researchers in this pathology is probably due to the common belief that the therapy of these disorders was exclusively surgical, and, consequently, there was litde expectation of further progress.

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